Corentus Community Hub
Over 25 years of transforming teams through a simultaneous focus on heart (the human dimension) and results (the performance dimension) for sustained impact.
Welcome to the Corentus Community Hub
Dedicated to Transforming Teams
Here, we share free resources on team development and team coaching, as well as news and updates from Corentus.
Articles | Videos | Podcasts | En Español
A practitioner who applies the principles and techniques of professional coaching and possess a set of team coaching core competencies to assist a team of individuals develop the awareness, knowledge, and skills they need to better achieve their goals. Here is one set of core competencies created by Corentus.
After reading the results of the Finance division’s portion of the company’s annual employee survey, Renata – CFO of the organization and head of this division – knows she needs to call in an external professional to work with her Senior Leadership Team.
The CEO of a bottling company toured a plant whose employees were demoralized. The tour proved extremely successful, and the CEO’s approval of what he saw generated a visible lift of mood. Once the CEO had departed, the plant manager addressed the employees: “The boss really liked what he saw. He said it was the best he had ever seen. But why did you have the order of the products reversed in the coolers? It was embarrassing!” The employees’ mood instantly slumped.
All of us at Corentus - especially Alexander and Amy - share their labor of love: Introduction to Corentus Team Coaching, for free, to the community of like-hearted people around the planet who have a passion for effective teaming.
Over the past 20+ years, we’ve worked from a foundation of three complementary team frameworks. These frameworks provide a foundation for the majority of our work with teams including the basis for a wide range of practical tools we use every day with our clients. From time to time, we improve upon these frameworks in order to obtain the greatest impact on our clients.
Effective leadership in today’s world requires leaders to adapt to complexity and change all while leading others in various states of teaming to accomplish results and have an impact within their organizations. We’ve found that leaders who understand the dimensions of teaming and are attuned to the ecosystem of their organization are better positioned to create the conditions for effective teaming.
We’ve spent nearly three decades, across five continents, coaching and consulting to leaders who are experiencing intense professional challenges—from extreme competitive pressures to mismanaged mergers and acquisitions. Throughout this work, we’ve observed a consistent link between leaders’ states of mind and their effectiveness, relationships, and performance. In particular, we’ve repeatedly witnessed the positive impact of higher states of mind and the adverse impact of lower states of mind. These observations inspired us to conduct more systematic research to validate and explore the patterns that seemed to be emerging.
As someone who has dedicated much of my professional life to team coaching and consulting, I frequently get asked what the word "team" really means. What exactly is it that separates a team from any other type of group? Before I share my answer to that question, take a moment to consider what your own response might be. Do you have a clear idea of what a real team is, and do you know it when you see it?
Have you ever been on vacation and been unable to relax? The whole point of taking time off is to achieve the calm, happy, and energized (CHE) states of mind that make us most productive and effective both while we’re away and when we’re back in the office. So how can you make sure that happens?
You know you’re in a bad mood. You know it’s hurting your performance at work. But how do you get yourself out of it?
Don, a senior vice president for sales at a global manufacturing company, wakes up late, scrambles to get showered and dressed, has an argument with his teenage daughter over breakfast, then gets stuck in traffic on the way to work and realizes he will be late for his first meeting.
Amy Yeager, CoAuthor. Recognize And Overcome The 6 Most Destructive Communication Patterns. Repair communication breakdowns on the spot and drive positive results in every conversation
What can team coaches use to observe teams? What can teams use to observe themselves? Watch Alexander Caillet explain O-P-N (Outcomes, Patterns, Norms) -- a powerful Corentus framework -- used to help teams shift, for example, being late to meetings.
If you’ve felt discouraged or disillusioned by subpar results from “soft” approaches, it’s time to reevaluate.
Who leads within your team? Sometimes teams focus heavily on the team leader, but give little attention to the leadership capabilities that can exist across all team members—enabling greater self-regulation and autonomy.
Does your executive team spend too much time in Operational and Tactical work (the weeds) instead of Strategic and Visionary work?
What types of relationship issues limit teams—and individual team members—from performing at their best? How can teams address these issues for the benefit of all?
IOC Conference
Alexander Caillet, Amy Yeager and additional Corentus Colleagues at the IOC (Institute of Coaching) Conference in Boston. We shared with the audience an overview of Corentus team coaching. We also had some fun by asking the audience to try their skill at team coaching by watching a live role play and identifying what they ‘sensed’ or observed in the team.
Ever wonder where to start for a team coaching engagement? Amy Yeager and Alexander Caillet from Corentus and our friends at vivovii share where to start and how to engage in a team coaching engagement.
High performance for a team 100% of the time isn’t realistic. What causes the shifts in performance?
ICF DC Capital Coaches Conference
Alexander Caillet, Lori Zukin, and additional Corentus colleagues share the Corentus style of team coaching and how to optimize the performance of organizations by transforming their teams and the work done by those teams. They also engage the audience through a live role play to help the audience see the distinction between facilitation and coaching moves when team coaching.
Corentus Chief Solutions Officer, Kimberley Lewis Parsons, is interviewed about team coaching for the Coaches Rising podcast.
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Organisations are increasingly aware of the extent to which their efficacy and success depends upon their teamwork.
In this conversation with executive and team coach Kimberley Parsons we explore the scope and process of team coaching, decoding norms in the ecosystem, key issues that teams struggle with, and harnessing collective intelligence.
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Episode 1 will speak to our current situation and the challenges teams are facing through Covid-19. Tara will interview Dr Krister Lowe, Dr Melissa Hughes and Alexander Caillet as her guests for this episode.
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In this episode Alexander Caillet communicates with enormous clarity & passion his approach to team coaching, the power of this methodology and the gift it can afford teams and organisations especially in answer to our VUCA world. Alexander describes the company’s approach to team interventions, the models he deploys and the role of the team coach. He shares many vignettes to illuminate the power of team coaching and how by way of this work the teams work is sustainable.
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In this episode Alexander Caillet communicates with enormous clarity & passion his approach to team coaching, the power of this methodology and the gift it can afford teams and organisations especially in answer to our VUCA world. Alexander describes the company’s approach to team interventions, the models he deploys and the role of the team coach. He shares many vignettes to illuminate the power of team coaching and how by way of this work the teams work is sustainable.
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Listen to a fun and at times funny podcast hosted by Christopher McAuliffe with guest Alexander Caillet. A great understanding of what it takes to be a team coach along with light/fun exchanges.
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Corentus & Vida y Exito
Sharing Corentus Team Tools in Spanish
Our colleague, Alberto Navarro, partnered with Vida y Exito (a Spanish publication) in 1st qtr 2021 to deliver a 3-part webinar learning series based on three Corentus Team Tools (view more of our team tools here).