Pro Bono & Low Bono Team Coaching

Take advantage of an opportunity usually reserved for large organizations with the resources to afford premier team effectiveness solutions. If you are an organization making a positive social impact in the world but lack the budget for world-class professional services to support your leaders in working more effectively together, you are in the right place. By signing up you get to offer your organization a transformative opportunity to enhance its impact through team coaching - at minimal to no expense.

Let's work together to make the world a better place and for a real win:win!
We will link you up with an exceptional professional at little to no cost involved.
The professional will be backed by an exceptional team, aiding them in achieving an advanced accreditation in team coaching.

In the ever-evolving landscape of nonprofit work, the significance of cohesive and adaptable teams cannot be overstated.

Pro Bono & Low Bono Team Coaching Program

For over 25 years, Corentus has been coaching leadership teams in real time, much like a basketball coach who observes the team from the sidelines during a game and provides coaching from the sidelines, during time outs, between breaks, and between games. When we coach teams directly, when they are in a meeting, we call this team coaching.

A team coach coaches a leadership team live when they are in a meeting, providing coaching from the sidelines. The team coach is not an active member of your team even though they are at your meeting (virtual or in-person). A team coach also coaches the leader between meetings, bringing fresh perspectives, essential coaching, and real tangible support to improve both the leader’s and the team's ways of working — to be more cohesive and productive when working together.

Yes, a team coach is there during the team’s meetings. If this sounds daunting, let us assure you. Corentus is one of the leading team effectiveness organizations worldwide. Please view a list of a select set of our clients. We’ve coached leadership teams directly in over 30 countries (in person). We also are one of the leading team coach training organizations, having trained thousands in team coaching over 20+ years at educational institutions such as Georgetown and Harvard University and organizations such as Egon Zehnder, McKinsey, and Mobius. This offer is being made specifically for you because the top-notch professionals we’ve trained need five team coaching engagements as one of the requirements to earn an advanced certification in team coaching by the leading accreditation and certification organization, the ICF (International Coaching Federation).

Are you a leader in a small to medium-sized organization making a significant positive impact in this world and
have a leadership team who would love the opportunity to engage in Team Coaching — going from good to great?

If so, read more and complete
this application.​

Or, do you know of an organization that would benefit from team coaching?​
Forward this opportunity by simply clicking

Let’s foster a supportive community where growth and development are accessible to all! 

Why are we offering this at little and no cost?

Corentus is one of the leading training organizations for serious professionals worldwide who are adding team coaching to their years of experience as a coach, consultant, facilitator, educator, and/or executive. Corentus is an ICF Accredited Coaching Education Provider for Advanced Accreditation in Team Coaching (AATC). The ICF is one of the leading accreditation and credentialing bodies globally for professional coaches, and ICF recently launched a coveted Advanced Certification in Team Coaching (ACTC) that many professionals are looking to attain. Professionals come to Corentus to earn the educational and supervisory requirements for this advanced accreditation from the ICF. The ICF also requires the professional to have FIVE team coaching engagements in order to obtain their ACTC.

Help us help them to help you.
Help Corentus help these advanced-level practitioners earn their ACTC by being a team coach for your leadership team.

The Intent of this Program is to...
  • Serve small to mid-sized organizations, non-profits, or start-ups that are making a significant positive impact in the world, can demonstrate a need for team coaching, and do not have the resources to allocate to improve team dynamics. ​

  • Enhance the effectiveness of your teams by improving team dynamics, cohesion, and overall productivity.​

  • Help your organization achieve its mission, objectives, and goals.

Discover the many benefits of team coaching for your organization:

  • Build resilient, adaptable teams that can embrace continuous change.​

  • Unlock the full potential of your already productive teams.​

  • Increase employee retention by reducing stress and tension and promoting team cohesion.​

  • Build the competencies and capacity of your team leaders and members by changing limiting norms.​

  • Unite your teams behind a common purpose and help them deliver on shared goals.​

  • Foster collaboration by navigating the complexities of diverse cultures.

What is Team Coaching anyway?

It is essential for organizations to enhance their teams' abilities to work together efficiently and effectively. The ultimate goal is to improve productivity and drive success for the organization. Team Coaching creates the environment that empowers teams to cascade their proficiency across the entire organization, creating shifts in cultural norms, resulting in the emergence of a more productive and collaborative work environment.​

​The process of team coaching happens when a team is engaged in real time during actual meetings. Rather than utilizing role-play scenarios or simulations, team coaching takes place during actual work sessions with the goal of bringing about lasting change. ​

​Transforming how a team works means looking at current habits, trying new ways of doing things, and making sure good changes stick and are maintained over time. ​

​Training and facilitated segments are brief and focus on essential tools or skills that the team can immediately put into use. These activities are considerably more effective and efficient when conducted within genuine work contexts. ​

​After team coaching, teams come away with real work achievements and elevated capabilities for efficient teamwork.

Participation Criteria for Organizations

As mentioned earlier, Team Coaching occurs while the team engages in real work. It is designed to be efficient and have maximum impact.

  • ​The Pro & Low Bono Team Coaching will be delivered 
    ​by qualified team coaches/practitioners who are looking to complete team coaching hours for certification and wish to give back to the community. ​

  • The Team Coaching provided is primarily centered on focus areas the team decides upon with the assistance of the team coach. The focus areas are typically identified as one of the four key dimensions of team effectiveness as outlined in the ​Corentus Team Wheel. A more specific focus area can be chosen within the dimensions, such as one of the main team tools, and/or one of the twenty-seven related team tools as seen in the diagram on the right.

  • Each of these team coaching engagements ranges ​from 1 month to 3 months based on the organization’s needs, the team’s goals, and the team coach's availability. ​

  • While the team coaching engagement is offered at a low cost or free of charge, participating organizations must commit to the following:​

    • commit to the full duration of the program​

    • engage fully in the process​

    • agree to the team coach’s proposal that may include (virtual or in-person) the following:

      1. Two 45-minute staging meetings

      2. One kick-off meeting with the full team

      3. Interview with the team’s leader and each member of the team to identify the focus areas for the team coaching engagement (called the Corentus Voice of the Team Process)

      4. A meeting to debrief the results of the interviews and decide upon the focus area(s)

      5. The team’s leader engages in a minimum of three one-on-one leadership coaching sessions

      6. The team engages in a minimum of two team coaching sessions

      7. One twenty-minute meeting at the mid-point and one at the end of the engagement to assess impact

        See below for additional clarity on what a team coaching engagement looks like.

The Corentus Team Wheel
Four Dimensions of Team Effectiveness

Corentus Team Wheel

During the application process, please be prepared to provide the following essential information:

  • Basic information about the organization: name, address, contact information, website URL​

  • Main contact person within the organization​

  • Team Leader (can be the same as the main contact)​

  • Area(s) of need: feel free to reference the Corentus Team Wheel​, Main and/or Related Team Tools in the diagrams above

  • Preferences for engagement: virtual or in-person with location, desired date/time to start the engagement ​

  • Information on the team identified: name of the team leader, number of team members, their purpose within the organization​

  • Background information on the team so we can determine need

Upon completion, each organization profile will undergo a verification process, including verifying the qualifications and needs of the team.

What Happens Next?

Here is what to anticipate after submitting the application and being verified.

​1. Sharing the Request within our Private Network
Corentus reaches out to team coaches in our private network with the request for pro or low bono team coaching.

  • Preliminary Match: a preliminary notification will be sent to the organization’s main contact person with the coaches who responded to the request.  ​​

  • Finalizing the Match: your organization will get a chance to choose the team coach from the list provided and meet (in-person or virtually) to explore and assess a mutual fit. If either party feels that the match isn't the right fit, just let us know, and we'll reach out to our private network again. ​​

2. Mutual Agreement between your Organization and the Team Coach directly
When both sides agree, they can proceed with the team coaching engagement, independently working out the details. Corentus is thrilled to be reaching out to our network of professionals, and the formal arrangement occurs directly between your organization and the team coach. Once this agreement is in place, the relationship becomes exclusive between the team coach and your organization, and Corentus fully respects this relationship and your agreement without interference.​

3. Foundational Conversations with the Team Leader
These initial discussions ensure that the team leader and, if relevant, other members of the team or organization fully understand the concept of team coaching and learn how it differs from team building and other team development activities, how it is implemented, and what outcomes typically result from this process.

Below is the recommended process for your team coaching engagement. This outline provides a clear roadmap of what to expect—including the steps, timeline, and the time you will spend with your Team Coach—so that when you begin your journey, you do so with a shared understanding and alignment with your Team Coach.

What does a typical Team Coaching Engagement look like?


Throughout this process, it's important to maintain flexibility, allowing for adjustments based on the team's evolving needs and feedback. Regular communication between the coach, the team leader, and the team members is crucial to ensure alignment and maximize the impact of the coaching intervention. 

 Meeting 1: Initial 1:1 with Team Leader 

  • Objective: Understand the leader’s vision, challenges,
    and expectations for the team. 

  • Duration: 1 hour 

  • Key Points: 

  • Explore the leader's goals for the team. 

  • Discuss current team dynamics and performance. 

  • Set objectives for the coaching process. 

Meeting 2: First Team Coaching Session 

  • Objective: Introduction of the coaching initiative to the team. 

  • Duration: 1 hour 

  • Agenda: 

  • Introduction (15 minutes): 

  • Brief overview of coaching objectives. 

  • Outline of the coaching process. 

  • Team Engagement (45 minutes) 

Meeting 3: Follow-up 1:1 with Team Leader 

  • Objective: Review and adjust the coaching plan based on team feedback. 

  • Duration: 1 hour 

  • Key Points: 

  • Discuss feedback from the first team session. 

  • Refine coaching goals and strategies. 

  • Plan specific interventions or focus areas for upcoming team sessions. 

Meeting 4: Second Team Coaching Session 

  • Objective: Deep dive into identified focus areas. 

  • Duration: 1-1.5 hours 

  • Agenda: 

  • Recap of previous session and progress made. 

  • Interactive exercises targeting specific team challenges. 

  • Group discussion and feedback. 

Meeting 5: Third Team Coaching Session 

  • Objective: Build on progress and introduce new concepts. 

  • Duration: 1-1.5 hours 

  • Agenda: 

  • Review of action items from last session. 

  • Introduction of new tools or methods for team development. 

  • Hands-on group activities or role plays. 

Meeting 6: Fourth Team Coaching Session 

  • Objective: Consolidate learning and focus on implementation. 

  • Duration: 1-1.5 hours 

  • Agenda: 

  • Review progress on individual and team goals. 

  • Practice and refine new skills and strategies. 

  • Plan for sustaining improvements post-coaching. 

Meeting 7: Ultimate Close-out Meeting with the Team 

  • Objective: Review overall progress, celebrate achievements, and discuss future steps. 

  • Duration: 1 hour 

  • Agenda: 

  • Reflection on the coaching journey. 

  • Sharing of individual and team achievements. 

  • Discussion on sustaining change and continuous improvement. 

  • Feedback on the coaching process. 


Please feel free to reach out to so we can provide you with answers to any and all questions that may arise.​

​We are excited about the prospect of embarking on this journey with you and introducing the transformative power of team coaching to your organization.​

​Stepping into this program is a choice to embrace growth and bring profound change to your teams and team dynamics. We look forward to helping you create meaningful and lasting impacts together.