Essential for smooth decision-making, reducing conflicts, and ensuring team success is the dimension Roles and Competencies —clarifying each team member's roles, responsibilities, and the competencies needed to excel individually and as a team.

Toolkit for the Key Dimension of Team Effectiveness

The Corentus Team Wheel focuses on four key dimensions of team effectiveness, each with its own toolkit. These toolkits contain tools, methods, processes, and techniques, honed over time. If a team encounters challenges in reaching consensus on 'Roles & Competencies,' or if there's significant divergence in their responses, it could signal a necessity to prioritize this dimension for improving overall team performance.

We're here to help with this. If you're considering focusing on 'Roles & Competencies' for your leadership team(s), Contact Us for a discussion. Our accelerated development programs are designed to integrate learning directly into real work scenarios.


Teams often face challenges when it comes to effective decision-making and clarity around roles and responsibilities. At Corentus, we recognize the critical importance of mastering these elements for a team's success. Our Roles & Competencies focus area is equipped with two main team tools designed to address these challenges head-on.

Main Corentus Team Tools

Effective decision making is a make-or-break capability for teams and their organizations. In many teams, difficulty with making decisions is the number one barrier to achieving results—or even to becoming a real team in the first place. Effective decision making requires planning: research shows that high-functioning teams take time to think through how they will make decisions. This tool will prepare you to apply a set of decision-making approaches that have been used successfully with many different types of teams.

Some of the most pervasive and persistent team challenges stem directly from a lack of clarity around roles, responsibilities, and authority levels. Consequences range from inefficiencies (such as duplicated work or delayed execution) to destructive interpersonal conflicts. This tool provides a user-friendly introduction to the well-known RACI methodology, with several upgrades that bring new insights for even the most experienced RACI users. One of our key upgrades is the expansion of RACI to include decision-making responsibilities through what we call RACI-D charting.

The Decision Modes micro tool provides you with a foundation for understanding how decisions are made and the benefits and challenges of four core modes. Set the stage for successful decision making using this tool to clarify team member author’ authority and influence. The distinctions and guidelines provided in Decision Modes set the groundwork for effective decision making.​

The Four Stage Process provides a clear map, in four simple steps, for planning and implementing a decision-making process. Use this micro tool to ensure you cover all your bases in decision making from beginning to end. This Four Stage Process, with accompanying tools, helps groups and teams save time and energy, reduce frustration, foster buy-in, and increase their overall efficiency and effectiveness.

Decision Methods provides easy-to-use methods and tools that can be applied to support your decision-making process. Select the right tool for your team to empower active participation and avoid potential pitfalls that come with each decision mode. Application of the Decision Methods micro tool promotes clarity, efficiency, and effectiveness throughout the decision-making process.

The RACI-D micro tool builds on the traditional RACI accountability tool by adding clarity around decision-making authority. Take your project charting a step further with this practical seven-step methodology that helps make sense of stakeholder responsibilities and their contribution to decision-making. It is a systematic and efficient way to track and manage project activities and decisions with full accountability.


What options are available to groups and teams for “how” they can make decisions?


How can a clear decision-making process empower teams to achieve?


How can groups or teams engage members in making decisions that stick?


How do you define and track decision-making authority in a business process?

MicroTools from the Corentus Team Tool - Decision Making